How to Use WES Free Degree Equivalency Tool?

WES Degree equivalency tool is avaialble online for free. Find your degree equivalent in Canada before paying WES fees for assessment. Some Degrees may not be listed.

Written by Sandeep Mishra
  Sandeep Mishra  
Updated 5 Mar, 20
WES Degree Equivalency Tool

WES provides a degree equivalency tool online which you can use to find your worth in Canada’s education system.

This is a free tool and we recommend to use it before you file your WES assessment and pay fees. This will give you an idea of what you can expect from the evaluation.

The tool will ask your details, and check its database for your university and let you know what your degree could be equivalent to in Canada.

WES Indian MBA degree equal to 4 year Canada bachelor program
WES Indian MBA degree equal to 4 year Canada bachelor program

As you can see, a 2-year MBA program from India appears to be recognized as a 4-year Bachelor program in Canada. 

I can’t find my university in the degree equivalency tool. Does it mean WES does not recognize my university?

If your university or college is not listed, then it does not mean that your ECA will not be processed or that your university is not recognized. It just implies that WES has not documented your university in its database yet. You can still continue to apply for a WES evaluation.
At the same time, it would be best to check with your university or other college mates online if your particular degree was found equivalent to a similar Canadian degree.

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