Opinion Tech

How Much Money Can You Earn with Content Creation Online Compared to Doctor, Engineer or Job in USA?

Its not easy to make a career in Social Media content creation which pays meaningful money to pay your bills. You are better off becoming a doctor, IAS or get a job in USA or other countries.

Written by Anil Gupta
  Anil Gupta  
Updated 19 Jul, 24
How much money can you make as Social media Influencer
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I recently spoke to the India-based finance Influencer Ravi Handa about his journey into content creation and how much money he realistically makes.

His answers shocked me and told the true story behind the hype created by online Instagram reels.

In a nutshell, it is extremely difficult to make any meaningful revenue from YouTube Ads, Instagram sponsorships, or Twitter revenue unless you have followers in millions.

As per my understanding after talking to multiple people working hard to create online content, most of the time, they only get paid in a barter system.

A barter system means that a company will send their product as a gift, which they would expect you to promote on their channel.

In the case of the restaurant business, they will probably invite you for a free lunch and expect you to post their reels or YouTube shorts.

Social Media Career

Effort Required: HIGH

It requires a lot of effort and continuous work to find that one reel or video that goes viral.

Ravi believes that your chances of making a decent living are much better in a regular profession like a Doctor, IAS, Engineer, or a job in a Western country than in a content creation field.

There’s competition, and staying relevant means constant adaptation to trends and algorithms. The social media companies are always trying to maximize their profits by selling ads. Hence, they also look for trends or to so, create trends every day to increase engagement.

They play with user’s sentiments and that’s why you may see an extremely silly thing that is irrelevant but would be topping the trend charts.

Most content creators follow these trends and create a reel or a short by copying the trending reel. You will also notice that most trending tweets will also be copied and pasted.

Education and Skills:

If you are trying to create content within your education or a professional niche, then you have an edge.

It will be easier for you to attract followers with your knowledge in your specific field compared to non-experts.

Social media works best and pays better if you have built your brand as people are more interested in “How you did it” rather than just saying “How to do it”.

If people relate to your experience and your style of conveying things, they will follow you.

With easy access to video content creation and easy copy and paste of other content, it has become a forest out there on each media platform. That is why you see accounts looking for fresh content ideas every day to compete with others.

How Social Media Influencers Make Money?

#1 ADS

The easiest and quickest way is the ads that run on your website, YouTube video page, Twitter feed, or Instagram reels.

Please note that ads make you the least amount of money.

YouTube is known to share about 55% of ad revenue with its content creators.

YouTube shares 55% of ad revenue from your videos
YouTube shares 55% of ad revenue from your videos

#2 Sponsorships

The most money is made by influencers when they sign a one-to-one deal with brands for promotion.

That’s what you get to hear from major players who have followers of millions and are paid directly by big advertisers to promote their products.

They can then sell their services to a wider audience and may gain sponsorship deals from companies that are targeting the audience in this area.

In many cases, the direct sponsorship deals offer a cut on the revenue gained through their followers too. But, these may be reserved for very strong and big influencers like the best of the best.

#3 Selling Education Courses or Products

Many big influencers create their product lines to diversify their earnings once they have reached the top of earnings from ads and sponsorships.

The small ones may not be able to reach this level easily.

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