USCIS Alien Registration – $5000 fine & 6 Month Jail for Non Compliance

Registration & fingerprints required for everyone. Penalty $100-$5000 and upto 6 month jail if you have not registered. Kids turning 14 should be registered.

Written by Anil Gupta
  Anil Gupta  
Updated 14 Mar, 25
USCIS Alien registration rule
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USCIS has started enforcing the Alien registration rule after Trump government has signed the Protecting the American People Against Invasion executive order.

Everyone is required to register officially on USCIS website.

I have explained Alien registration rule in this video here in simple language:

Am I already registered?

These are the people who have already registered. Check if you fall into any one of the category.

  • Green card holders or Lawful permanent residents.
  • Parole: People entered the USA using Advance parole or similar parole program even if the parole validity has expired.
  • Visa holders:
    • If you were issued Form I-94 or I-94W (paper or electronic at land border) at your last entry to USA. It does not matter if the period of admission has expired, you are still considered registered.
    • If you are currently physically present in the United States and were issued green card or any type of USA visas before you entered USA
  • Removal/Deportation: If you are under removal or deportation order, you are already registered
  • EAD holders: If you ever applied for EAD and it was approved, you are registered.
  • Green card applicants:
    • If you have ever filed forms I-485, I-687, I-691, I-698, I-700, and provided fingerprints (unless waived), even if the applications were denied
  • Aliens issued Border Crossing Cards.


H1B workers in the USA are already registered and fingerprinted at the time of visa application at US embassy.

Who is not registered?

Anyone who has not never applied for a USA visa stamp in passport and provided fingerprints (unless waived) is not registered.

Check if you are not registered:

  • People who crossed the border illegally
  • Canadian visitors who entered the United States at land ports of entry and were not issued evidence of registration

Age 14

Everyone 14 years of age or older should be registered.

Most visa holders below the age of 14 are not required to give fingerprints when they apply for USA visa at US embassy.

Parents and legal guardians of kids below the age of 14 are responsible to register their kids within 30 days of reaching 14th birthday.

Once registered and after fingerprinted, you will get evidence of registration.

This proof should be scanned and kept in phone at all times. A physical copy of this proof is also required to be with you at all the time.

Kids below the age of 18 need not carry this proof with them. They are waived from carrying it around.

How does registration work?

Step 1: Create a USCIS Online Account

To register, you must first create a USCIS online account.

Each person must have their own individual USCIS online account.

This includes child under the age of 14. Create your child’s individual USCIS online account on your child’s behalf and in their name.

Step 2: Submit Form G-325R

Fill out an electronic version of the Form G-325R, Biographic Information (Registration).

It must be filed online through a USCIS online account. It cannot be filed by mail or in person.

If you are trying to register your child, then, use your child’s own USCIS online account to fill this form.

Step 3: USCIS review of Form G-325R

USCIS will review the information you provided.

If you are already registered:

  • USCIS will notify you that you have already complied with the registration requirement.
  • In this case, USCIS will not schedule your biometric appointment.
  • No proof or evidence of registration will be sent either.

If registration is required:

  • USCIS will check if you are required to appear for a biometric services appointment.
  • If you are not required to appear for a biometric services appointment (for example, Canadian visitors and aliens under 14 years of age), USCIS will provide you with evidence of registration.

Step 4: Attend appointment for biometrics collection

USCIS will schedule a biometric appointment at one of our Application Support Centers (ASCs).

No biometric services fee is required at this time under the Interim Final Rule.

If you do not attend your biometric services appointment (if required), you will be considered as unregistered person.

Step 5: Receive registration documentation

Once you have registered and provided your biometrics (if required), you will get a proof of registration in your USCIS online account.

Download this proof, print and keep it with you all the time if you are 18 years or older.


USCIS has made it a legal obligation.

Failure to register may result in criminal and civil penalties, up to and including misdemeanor prosecution, the imposition of fines, and incarceration.

In simple language:

  • $100 fine if you have registered but not carrying proof of registration
  • $5000 And/or up-to 6 month jail if you have not registered at all.

I am sure you do not want to pay the penalty and certainly do not want to see yourself in jail.

B1/B2 Visa Holders

Many people travel to the USA on tourism or business meetings using B1 or B2 visa.

There is no need to worry if you got your visa after you turned 14 years or more as you are already registered.

If you are less than 14, and plan to stay in the US for more than 30 days, then two situation may arrise:

  1. Entering USA after turning 14: Your fingerprints will be taken at port of entry.
  2. Entered USA before turning 14: You should register if your fingerprints were not taken at port of entry.
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